Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Eat your....fruits?

Not sure how your dinnertime is at your home but here, it is a chance for the boys, Mandy and I to discuss our days. Yes it is cliché and maybe I am trying to create the Clever family (really if you don’t know this reference, Google it) ideal but it really is a great opportunity to come together as a family and unwind for 20 minutes. It also gives the boys a chance to express their thoughts on life. When I say life we get to hear about Clash of Clans, Disney Infinity, Minecraft, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Disney Infinity, baseball, what happened at school, Minecraft, basketball at school, their upcoming Lego battles (I slacked it on Lego of the Week this week. I blame mother’s day) and last but not least Clash of Clans. Once in a while Mandy and I might get a word in. Once we are able to get a word it usually turns into a Q&A session with the boys. With the season finally turning over to spring these conversations have started taking a turn towards nature. You see this is what we look at when we eat our meals:
The blue scrub jay is Larry.

Well last week we had some fresh fruit with our dinner. When fresh fruit and vegetables arrive at the table it always involves some negotiating, begging, pleading and gnashing of teeth. The boys however are pretty good about eating them. This particular dinner Mandy made pulled chicken BBQ sandwiches with some watermelon, grapes and strawberries. Somewhere along the lines Alex decided to start quizzing us (there is almost always a quiz from Alex on some subject he learned recently) about what foods were really fruits and which were vegetables. The discussion was bogged down when it came to strawberries. I argued fruit because that is what I have always been taught in my 36 years on this earth. Alex argued with logic saying it grew on a vine and on the ground. Mandy was playing referee seeing both sides (which translates to she sided with Alex). After ten minutes Connor decided to weigh in on the conversation and ended up winning the argument. “Papa, Alex, you’re both wrong. Strawberries are a fruit, they are a fruitagle. Biologists I know one day will start classifying foods as fruitagles and I will be proud to know that Connor discovered them first. I agree that strawberries, grapes, tomatoes, could all be classified as this. I am sure there are more just waiting to be reclassified. Remember when you are at the grocery store and see the fruitagle section you read it here first.

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