Monday, March 31, 2014

Weekly Lego

I know I had my mini meltdown the other day about Legos, but they really aren't that bad. They give the boys a creative outlet. A way to bring out their personalities in their work. Especially this weeks selection of Legos. First Connor,

It's a space cruiser, piloted the Swamp Creature with a human head in a race helmet. Connor is so laid back whatever goes, unless of course he doesn't get his way. Look at that Lego again. We see a hodgepodge of different sets that really don't go together. In his eyes it makes perfect sense. To him it's perfect. He moved the wings and guns around at least a dozen times before he let me take a picture. Connor beats to his own drum and you know, I love him more and more for it. 

Alex is more like me. Follow the directions, a little OCD on uniformity. He on the other the other hand is way more artistic and expressive than I ever was. I hated Legos growing up because I could never come up with my own designs that I thought were worthy to display.

His little buggy here is an example of this. Same wheels on both sides, same type of levers, two little prongs up front. Even his driver is all one color. That is who he is though. Follows the rules, likes uniformity but still relaxed enough to put a power crystal on back. It's who he is and I could not be more proud. 

I am almost three weeks into this blog experience. I feel I am starting to hit a groove with it and I hope you are enjoying reading it. 

P.S. Both boys get their expressive art talents through Mandy. No way was I ever this good. 

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