Tuesday, March 25, 2014


In our household, we have eternal words of wisdom that we are blasted with from time to time. We call them Connerisms. Connor has no filter and usually says whatever is on his mind. When doing yard work the other day, he was out playing pirate in the backyard. I asked him, "Captain Connor would you please bring me that rake?" His reply, "No, pirates don't use rakes they use cutlasses. Normal Connor will bring you the rake though." Another, "Connor please take your sword off the table, pirates don't take them to dinner." His reply, "Yes, they do. They might have to kill someone or cut an apple." Finally, "I never get tired of someone's sock in the toilet." Sorry, one more "I don't think you understand. He's having surgery. He had too many Popsicles." 

I thought it would be fun to share these life altering quotes with you with a weekly installment of Connor's Connerisms. 

A little setup for this weeks. We had a babysitter last night, while Mandy and I went to a work sponsored event. Our sitter sent us a text saying that Connor won't sleep because he says, "my habitat isn't comfortable." 

I hope this brought at least a little smile to your day.  

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