My name is Andrew. I am a married father of two boys. I am nothing special. I am not particularly handsome, nor witty, or engaging. I am really good at self-deprication. However, I wanted to start this blog (yeah I know just what the world needed: another bored, whiny, middle-class American with a blog. YAY!) after I found all of this in the washer last week.
That's a Lego gun, dime, two building disc thingies from the Wendy's Kids meal, and the remnants of what used to be a sticky hand. |
It was a simple comment of, "This would be fun to write about. What can we tell about our last two weeks by what was found in the washer or dryer," that propelled me to add a blog, into a otherwise normal life. With two boys in the house there is bound to be a plethora of stuff to come out those appliances. The picture above is all from the youngest boy. I tried to get a picture of the ever present sand, that materializes from his pockets, but the picture wouldn't turn out. each object has it's own story. The Lego gun came from massive battle of Star Wars v.s Dragon Castle. The dime was a treasure from said battle. The sticky hand was a prize from the prize box at school. The Wendy's toys from a meal I shared with him at school.
I wanted this blog to be a online Doogie Howswer sort of journal. Most of the time I am sure I will be the only one laughing at my attempt at humor, but hey at least one of us is laughing. I hope you will follow this to laugh at me, not with me. Yes, I meant to type that last sentence that way. I hope you enjoy the little stories I tell. If not, oh well, there is always the comment section to critique.
I will keep this first post short and Splenda sweet.
Sorry, I'll work on my sign offs.
Andrew Hedrick March 13, 2014
P.S. I take back the first jab. I am one good looking guy. Just check this out.
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