Monday, April 21, 2014

Weekend Thoughts

Another weekend come and gone and here are just some random quick thoughts from the past three days:
Twigs Bistro at Station Park has great atmosphere, overpriced martinis and food was ok. At said dinner, I should have apologized for me having a migraine instead of trying to pass it off as being tired. I was not a very good dinner mate, so sorry Mandy, Gary and Suzanne. I was horrible company Friday night. I thought my $9 Manhattan would have improved my mood but alas I was wrong. Of course, my mood may have been influenced by the $8.50 sweet tea, lemonade and champagne martini mixture also. Good but again, $8.50? Oh well, we had fun even if I was not much for conversation.

I am one of those sick people who enjoy yard work. Sick I know but I love it. It is an excuse to get outside, get some exercise and take pride in a job well done. It’s also an opportunity to get ticked off at the dandelions, reacquaint myself with allergies, and of course step in a doggie bomb that somehow got missed. I do however; love my sawzall and what it can do to a choke cherry tree. Insert, Tool Time grunt here. Hate that I have to take out said choke cherry trees because of a fungus that can spread to the other fruit trees in the yard.

I mentioned it on Facebook the other day but turning on the secondary water in the spring really is like walking up on a firecracker that you lit but never exploded. Fortunately, no sprinklers were harmed this year.

If you are not a soccer fan, I know most of you aren’t but you should be, and have not checked out a Real Salt Lake game you really need go. Real does a fantastic job of putting on an event. The atmosphere is always charged. Food is not too overpriced. If you’re not chanting by the end of the game, something is wrong with you. However, if you want to get home at a decent hour, leave with 20minutes left in the game and you may miss traffic going out of there. Next time we go, one word: Frontrunner.

Easter is always a great time to reflect on new beginnings. The boys had a great Easter. Three Easter egg hunts, one public, two with family.  The public one went off without a hitch. There were no tears, “no can we go home yet”, “no it’s too cold to be here”, and the boys didn’t complain either.
Easter morning was a joy. I learned to enjoy these last moments of Alex still “believing” because I think the end is close. They got way too much chocolate, jelly beans and junk but hey, they enjoyed it so it was worth it.

I am way out of shape. A little three mile bike ride with the whole family and I was winded (severely) by the end of it. Boys and Mandy did great, I was gassed. Costco mountain bike, you get what you pay for, my pedal fell off with a ¼ mile left on the ride. Fortunately, Connor helped me walk the last little bit back. Even in April when it’s semi-cloudy and 60 degrees you can sunburn (on my knee of all places).

Father in law makes a great ham. Mandy makes great funeral potatoes. I can eat both extremely well. Yup, that was our weekend.

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