Tuesday, April 15, 2014


The world has ended. The end has happened. What you are experiencing right now is the waiting for the afterlife. I am truly sorry if you missed the end but I was told the world met its sudden demise around 405PM this afternoon. Apparently, the epicenter was at the Hedrick home. Further investigation has concluded that was entirely MY FAULT and for once it is half justifiable (just this once so write it down because it I will not admit it again.)

We are a subscriber to Netflix, hell, who isn’t anymore. We use Netflix a lot because we have no cable or satellite, so we rely on it to keep up on our pop culture and me on my nerdness (i.e. Game of Thrones).  Mandy and I sat down to finish the second disc from The Pacific last night. We finished it and started discussing the episode. We were deep in discussion about the horrors of war and how much our men suffered in the Pacific Theatre in World War II, pretty heavy topic. So I grab the disc, seal the envelope and proceed to drop it off in the mailbox. Pretty mundane lifestyle I have I know. Everything is copacetic in life. Until roughly 405PM April 15th, 2014, when I mentioned the world abruptly ended.

The boy’s afternoon routine is homework, cello, reading and the free time. Usually, free time is video games until I get home then dinner, then outside. Again, life is following this routine until I get a phone call at work indicating there is an epic (yes I used epic again in a post. Again get over it), epic problem. Apparently, when I put the disc in the Netflix envelope and mailed it off, I mailed off our Disney Infinity game in place of The Pacific. Oh my goodness! There was crying, yelling and gnashing of teeth, and that was just Mandy towards me for causing this problem.
Actual photo of both boy's eyes when I got home
I was safely, (safe being a very relative term in this instance), hidden away at work while she was left to deal with my horrible mistake. She had to have a discussion about that the PlayStation games being able to store the game data on the system and not on the disc. This is a huge deal because of all the work that they have put into the game. Well, because she is Mandy, she was able to calm them down.  I called Netflix, explained my parental faux pas, and they were able to send a message to the local center to be on the lookout for our game. It is not a 100% but I feel confident that we will get our game back. That last sentence really was typed while I was on my knees begging the universe and another higher power, to get that blasted game back.

In other news, my world ended at 645PM this evening when I discovered that all my spiced jelly beans were gone. Well played Mandy. Well played.

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