Monday, March 31, 2014

Weekly Lego

I know I had my mini meltdown the other day about Legos, but they really aren't that bad. They give the boys a creative outlet. A way to bring out their personalities in their work. Especially this weeks selection of Legos. First Connor,

It's a space cruiser, piloted the Swamp Creature with a human head in a race helmet. Connor is so laid back whatever goes, unless of course he doesn't get his way. Look at that Lego again. We see a hodgepodge of different sets that really don't go together. In his eyes it makes perfect sense. To him it's perfect. He moved the wings and guns around at least a dozen times before he let me take a picture. Connor beats to his own drum and you know, I love him more and more for it. 

Alex is more like me. Follow the directions, a little OCD on uniformity. He on the other the other hand is way more artistic and expressive than I ever was. I hated Legos growing up because I could never come up with my own designs that I thought were worthy to display.

His little buggy here is an example of this. Same wheels on both sides, same type of levers, two little prongs up front. Even his driver is all one color. That is who he is though. Follows the rules, likes uniformity but still relaxed enough to put a power crystal on back. It's who he is and I could not be more proud. 

I am almost three weeks into this blog experience. I feel I am starting to hit a groove with it and I hope you are enjoying reading it. 

P.S. Both boys get their expressive art talents through Mandy. No way was I ever this good. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Today I wanted to write about something that can tear a family apart; Legos. Legos come across as these innocent little bits of plastic that are used to bolster kids imagination. Howeve, they are little blocks of doom. Need evidence,

This is an actual photo, not a representation. These blocks end up everywhere, floor, beds, washer, couches, chairs and because they end up in couches you can guess where also can end up. Not only are they weapons against anatomy, the cost of these Legos are up to around $2 a block. A block! Can you even by just the loose blocks anymore? I think they only come in sets of the latest movie craze such as Harry Potter or the Hobbit. Then if they run out of movie ideas they create their own sets. Ninjago and Chimea are examples. Then of course the ultimate case of indoctrinating our children; The Lego Movie. The movie is a propaganda piece designed to brainwash our kids into thinking its ok to destroy the sets and not follow the instructions. Just go listen to Everything is Awesome and youll know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Ahhhhh! Charge me $100 for a Hobbit town or X-Wing fighter then teach them it's ok to destroy it and build it different. It's unconstitutional. 
This shelf alone is around $1,200 worth. Allegedly. 

Now that my rant is over, I wouldn't have it any other way. The joy the boys have with these toys is worth my consternation I have with Legos. We have had countless hours building them together, (even though the last Lego Hero Alex had about killed his Grandfather and I. Thanks Santa) that really have brought the boys and I closer. 
In all seriousness this one did take around three hours. 

The boys can use there imagination and teamwork to build new items that they invented. If only they would pick them up. Tomorrow I am going to start a Lego of the week of something that the boys have built. 
 Now if they wouldn't cost so much. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Love Spring

I know living in Utah has it's perks. This is truly one of the few places in America that we get all four seasons. Today was rain, that I know we need it, but it was cold and made yesterday all the better. After dinner, we went outside to enjoy precious sunshine for the few hours we had. Alex has really discovered basketball these last few weeks. So much so that he is now drawing up his own courts

and challenging me to a game. I would like to say I take it easy on him but who am I kidding. I'm like Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Along Came Polly. Make it rain!
We also had a doggy party with our little pup, Henry and Ewok (best dog name ever). Ewok is a Australian sheep dog and fast as all get out. I tried to get video of them running but they were too fast to get on my phone (and I was too tired and shaky after getting worked over in bball). Poor Henry was spent the rest of the night, which did spare us the constant click, click, click on the hardwood.

Doggy is out

 I know we need the rain but bring on spring and summer.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


In our household, we have eternal words of wisdom that we are blasted with from time to time. We call them Connerisms. Connor has no filter and usually says whatever is on his mind. When doing yard work the other day, he was out playing pirate in the backyard. I asked him, "Captain Connor would you please bring me that rake?" His reply, "No, pirates don't use rakes they use cutlasses. Normal Connor will bring you the rake though." Another, "Connor please take your sword off the table, pirates don't take them to dinner." His reply, "Yes, they do. They might have to kill someone or cut an apple." Finally, "I never get tired of someone's sock in the toilet." Sorry, one more "I don't think you understand. He's having surgery. He had too many Popsicles." 

I thought it would be fun to share these life altering quotes with you with a weekly installment of Connor's Connerisms. 

A little setup for this weeks. We had a babysitter last night, while Mandy and I went to a work sponsored event. Our sitter sent us a text saying that Connor won't sleep because he says, "my habitat isn't comfortable." 

I hope this brought at least a little smile to your day.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

This weeks Washer pic

Two weeks ago the boys and I made a Costco run. As a side note it was a Saturday and if you want to experience hell on earth, well Costco on a Saturday is it. Anyway, I let Alex buy the fruit smoothies (with my money of course) while Connor and I waited. Part of the change Alex received back was a 

$1 coin. Being the good big brother he is, Alex let him have it. Of course he promptly lost it and lo and behold it ends up in the washer. I didn't find it until later that night after he was in bed. The smile on his tired little face when I presented it to him was the highlight of the day. 

The coin is now safely hidden on his dresser. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Life truly can be overwhelming. Most times I take the littlest hurdle and act like a six year old that was just told no treat after dinner. Something as little my coffee overflowing the cup is enough to send my day in a tailspin. Then there are the days such as this past weekend that recharge my soul. Mandy and I were given the opportunity to sit court side at the Jazz game Friday night.
Not only court side but center court. We had dinner in the Lexus Club before the game.  Crab claws, pork loins, pot roast, cheeses that I could never even pronounce much less tell you what kind they were. Halftime we were allowed to go back for desserts of eclairs, ice cream, key lime poppy seed cake (yes it was as awesome as it sounds), and crepe Suzette's. I'm still not sure what it was but dark chocolate and a peach sauce was involved so I took a chance (twice). 
I kid but really it was an experience that we are both grateful to have done. 
Thank you Bryan and Dawn for allowing us to go. 

Saturday was Mandy working, me working, and dinner with my mom at Arella's in Bountiful. If you've never been there, get the buffalo chicken pepper pasta and thank me later. 

Sunday we finally finished the floor in our bedroom. We have slowly been redoing the floors throughout the house and the master bedroom was the last of the hardwood. Now the boys' rooms with carpet and floors are done. The rest of the day was yard work, basketball, four-square and football.Yes, I said four-square. When was the last time you played four-square? 3rd grade? 4th maybe. I challenge you to take some sidewalk chalk, go to the driveway and get up a game. WARNING! Only do if this if you are prepared to get humiliated by a 9 and 6 year old. Luckily, I am secure enough with myself that I only sulked about losing.
The first of highlights was the stalking of woodpeckers in the backyard while we were out there grilling up some dinner.

 The absolute awe that was on both of their faces would have lifted my spirit on the worst of days.
The second was subtle but none the less, moving. After grilling, I was attempting to bring all the food and dishes back upstairs to serve. I had already dispatched the boys to wash up. As I was evaluating strategies how to get it all up in one trip, Alex appeared and asked what he could to do help. No prompting, he saw that I was going to struggle and offered to help. Then at dinner, he blew me away. Mandy asked him to say our prayer for dinner. His little prayer hit us like a fly ball in the gut. He said it with so much conviction, it left us both speechless.
This is only my second attempt at a blog post and it was lengthy. My point of this is to quote the great Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." Find joy in the little subtleties of life. Your kids, your spouse, smiling at a stranger, all of those could have some sort of impact that could lift your heart out of the mire (Psalm 40) that is life.
Andrew Hedrick March 18, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Here We Go

My name is Andrew. I am a married father of two boys. I am nothing special. I am not particularly handsome, nor witty, or engaging. I am really good at self-deprication. However, I wanted to start this blog (yeah I know just what the world needed: another bored, whiny, middle-class American with a blog. YAY!) after I found all of this in the washer last week.
That's a Lego gun, dime, two building disc thingies from the Wendy's Kids meal, and the remnants of what used to be a sticky hand.
It was a simple comment of, "This would be fun to write about. What can we tell about our last two weeks by what was found in the washer or dryer," that propelled me to add a blog, into a otherwise normal life. With two boys in the house there is bound to be a plethora of stuff to come out those appliances. The picture above is all from the youngest boy. I tried to get a picture of the ever present sand, that materializes from his pockets, but the picture wouldn't turn out. each object has it's own story. The Lego gun came from massive battle of Star Wars v.s Dragon Castle. The dime was a treasure  from said battle. The sticky hand was a prize from the prize box at school. The Wendy's toys from a meal I shared with him at school.

I wanted this blog to be a online Doogie Howswer sort of journal. Most of the time I am sure I will be the only one laughing at my attempt at humor, but hey at least one of us is laughing. I hope you will follow this to laugh at me, not with me. Yes, I meant to type that last sentence that way. I hope you enjoy the little stories I tell. If not, oh well, there is always the comment section to critique.

I will keep this first post short and Splenda sweet.

Sorry, I'll work on my sign offs.

Andrew Hedrick March 13, 2014

P.S. I take back the first jab. I am one good looking guy. Just check this out.