Monday, July 14, 2014

The pillow did it.

After three weeks and two vacations, I think it’s about time we get back to a normal routine. Lego of the Week, laundry pictures and of course Connorisms. I had a conversation with Connor a couple of days before we left for California about his hair and the ever present knots that seem to be tied in his head.

I don’t know if I ever mentioned before but Connor does some of his best work in the shower. From telling me his new shampoo smells like apple juice, to singing Gangnam Style in the shower (complete with dance moves) and telling me what else the “Fox says” (also complete with dance moves. If you don’t get the Fox reference, either you live under a rock or don’t ever get on YouTube). Shower time is a curse and a blessing with Connor. It is always a struggle to get him to the shower but once he’s there, it isn’t so bad (most nights).  

Connor has always had longer hair. He was born with a literal mop of black hair. It was really dark his first year, when it started lightening up. We have always kept it long, because let’s be honest, it fits him. There was that time we cut it short but we don’t’ talk about that. The trauma and tears was too much. After the first cut, he bawled and started telling us to, “Put it back. I don’t want it short. Put it back on!” Since then it has been his choice how short he wants it. Well, since it is longer hair and it’s Connor and he’s a boy, his hair is bound to get, well, bound up (see what I did there. Hunh, hunh).  

We have always joked about the various animals that make a home in his hair when it gets all tangled in knots. There has been a pelican that made a nest there. There was a mountain lion. Our dog Henry has been accused of sleeping on his head, all sorts of animals that have lived in his hair. As he gets older I know these jokes won’t last but I still push the envelope because I’m selfish and I like the jokes. Well this particular night I was joking about the pelican that lived in his hair and he was playing back. I asked, “Well if it’s not a pelican what is it. Is it a robin?”


“Is it a raccoon?”


“Is it the new lion from the zoo?”


It went on like this for a minute or so when he informed me, “It’s not an animal, Papa. It’s my pillow.” “Oh, I see,” I replied. “Your pillow is it. Does it just rub your hair until it gets in knots?”

“Nope, he (his pillow is a he?) uses the corners of the pillow case and ties my hair in knots.”

This is what happens when you disrepect the pillow case. You get hogtied by the Lone Ranger.
That is one hell of a pillow, and more impressive, pillow case that “he” can tie knots in his hair. By the way when I mean knots, I mean knots. Mandy and I have literally had to untie his hair. Next time it’s in knots I’m waking up the pillow and “he” can untie it because I’m sick of doing it.

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