Monday, July 21, 2014

Legos and Wrist Adornment

Ahhhhhh, finally I can go back to the reason I started writing this blog. Back to its roots. Back to the very soul of my writing to the internet; laundry, Lego’s and Connor. As a standalone post, on either one of those topics, I can squeeze out at least 800-1,000 words. If you combine them into one gargantuan post, I can probably get around 500 or so.

If you have been reading this blog, you know we went on two vacations in a three week span. As such, when you go on vacations you expect a mountain of clothes to wash when you return. Alas, I wasn’t disappointed. We did Alex’s load with no issues, other than he mixes socks with his normal clothes. Which is no big deal expect he has two separate hampers to put them in that sit two inches apart from each other. Really is that hard to put the socks in the appropriate receptacle? Again no big deal but then one sock goes in normal hamper, the other in with the socks. Socks get missed, single socks sit in a drawer for weeks because I forget about them, then I cry. It’s a vicious cycle. Anyway what was I saying? Oh yes, coffee. I need coffee. Wait! What? It’s early and I’m tired.

Any who, Alex’s laundry went off without any issues (SOCKS!) but then there was Connors. We can usually go weeks without doing Connors laundry. It’s the result of being the younger of two boys and getting all the hand-me-downs mixed with the new stuff. So his hamper gets extremely full before it gets done and as such more stuff can accumulate in his pockets. So let us analyze the picture below.

Hmmmm, we have three weapons, top half of a treasure box, tusk (horn), antennae piece, two miscellaneous Lego pieces, a Dove chocolate wrapper (oh dear lord please let him have eaten the chocolate. Amen), and a rubber band bracelet (editor’s question: if a guy/boy wears wrist adornment, is it still called a bracelet. Can’t we call it a brocelet or a mancelet? Just sayin’, it makes sense).

Let us start with the Lego’s. I’m at a loss anymore. Since, his birthday the Lego’s have multiplied exponentially. I cannot step anywhere in this house without seeing one. I swear the Lego’s are alive and roaming the house like in Toy Story. They go on covert missions at night to place themselves exactly where I will step the next day. These Lego’s above came out of the washer. When Mandy went to empty the dryer later she found more, including the bottom part of the treasure box. However, when I go home that day to take a picture of what came out of the dryer, they were gone. Where to, we may never know. Although, I bet if I asked Connor he knows exactly where they are.

Onto the chocolate part of the picture. It’s a candy wrapper in Connors pocket. I am just proud of him that he didn’t leave it on the couch. Moving on.

Rubber band bracelet (I’m liking mancelet) time. Not sure where this came from. I think my boys are the other siblings in a 10mile radius not making these things. Between this type and the paracord type, their friends have all types of bracelets (ooooooo new once, man-bands) covered. Well whoever gave him this particular man-band (see it fits) will be happy to know they can survive the washer but I am not testing out if it can survive the dryer. They can test that out themselves.  



For the record this was 606words.

1 comment:

  1. Like Brocelet & man-band.... just sayin were it is Connor.... I vote Brocelet.
