Wednesday, July 2, 2014


We spent 3-1/2 days in Disneyland, so rather than chronicle the entire 3-1/2 days and 237 miles total walked (give or take a 100miles), I will merely hit some quick highlights.

First day in the park we went early to get in line, thinking (correctly I might add) that the park would be super crazy busy. We arrived around 715 and people were already streaming into the park. I asked one of the attendants if that was for Magic Morning (for you non-Disney people you can get in before the park opens with these passes), after telling us yes it was, she promptly handed us four Magic Morning passes. This was going to be a good trip.

The boys made us a promise that they would try every ride in the park, minus Tower of Terror and California Screaming, this trip. We started on Indiana Jones, Connor freaked out so Mandy took him out and I went with Alex. We tried Thunder Mountain Railroad, Connor freaked out so we took turns with Alex. We tried Star Tours; both boys loved it, although Connor would not go again. Oh well, he tried it once. No matter how old you are or your kids are, you have to do Autotopia, Jungle Cruise and the carousel in Fantasyland (even if it’s only because your wife wants to relive Saving Mr. Banks moments. Ok not really it is for nostalgic reasons too). Especially, when they hit that magical 56” height and can drive themselves on Autotopia. We met Captain America. We saw Iron Man’s suits from the movies (editor’s note: I was more excited than the boys to see the suits. My inner 10 year old boy was in full effect seeing Iron Man and the Cap. I was actually mad I didn’t wear my Iron Man shirt that day. Yes I have an Iron Man shirt. Don’t judge, I have a Millennium Falcon shirt too. Wow, I am such a loser.)

Day two was almost all California Adventure. Since Cars Land opened a couple of years ago, our mornings start out with Mandy getting Fast Passes for Radiator Springs Racers while the boys and I get breakfast and more importantly coffee (Starbucks in Disneyland GENIUS) for all of us. Toy Story mania is always fun and no lie, we never had longer than a 25minute wait for this ride the entire trip. Mater’s Junkyard is now a family favorite and Tower of Terror still scares me. As evidenced by last year’s picture:

There was some drama the second day. We have never ridden Grizzly Rapids on any of our trips there; something about being soaking wet the rest of the day is just not appealing to me. However, this is an observation deck on the big drop that you can get relatively close and get some spray. Think the observation deck at Niagara Falls (editor’s note: I have never been to Niagara Falls but I’ve seen pictures and it must be close to the same thing) but on a smaller scale. Alex and I went down there with Connor. Me being the fantastic father I am (sarcasm font) I decided to pick up Connor so he could experience the full effect of being sprayed. First drop no problem, “ok Papa put me down now,” he asked. “No let’s get one more spray,” I replied. That is when the next car/pod dropped and a wave straight out of The Perfect Storm hit Connor and I. There were immediate tears, immediate guilt and $80 dollars and 30minutes later Connor had new socks, shorts and a beach towel (no ever said Disney was cheap). As I was shivering later that night at dinner at the Blue Bayou, Connor and I could finally laugh about the experience. My shoes and socks were still not happy with me.

Day three was only at night due to our day Angel’s game and it was mostly Star Tours, Pirates and Thunder Mountain Railroad, more about the Railroad a little later (crap this is turning into another long post. Oh well, I’m on a roll baby).

Day Four was a day where we had no plans, no dinner reservations, just what do we still want to do and let’s do it. It turned out to literally be the best day we have ever had in the park. It was dead. A Friday in June and it was dead. We counted that night and we were able to get on 26 rides on various attractions (albeit I think 25 of those were between Pirates and Thunder Railroad).  We ruled the Fast Pass. Spent the morning at California Adventure and the rest of the day at the main Park. We were able to ride in the front of the Monorail with the conductor

Picture taken before conductor joined train…..or was it????????

We went Goofy (see that pun) over hats:


Just had a great relaxing day that ended up being awesome.

Two more items about Disneyland and I promise I’ll be done. I mentioned above that Connor had meltdowns over riding the “scary” rides. At the end of day 3 he was bribed (we are not above bribery) with a Indiana Jones play set if he would just ride Thunder Mountain at least once. We went and got our Fast Passes, waited until it was our turn to go. The walk down was torture, would he have another tantrum? Did he get the play set or not? The normal chatter box that is Connor went into hyper drive: “Youknowpapathedinsaourbonesareattheveryendrightthere.Doyousee?Righttherebythelights.Aretheirreallyrattlesnakesontheride?Goats?Istheexplosionloud?” That last sentence is verbatim and it was said in the span of 2.12seconds. When it was our turn to get in the train, the whole world went silent. The tension could have been cut by Captain Hooks, well hook. He insisted I ride with my arm around him. The curtain was lifted after the first drop. He laughed and screamed on the ride, not the hysterical I’m going to wet myself before I die scream but pure unadulterated joy scream. When the ride was over he put two little arms into the arm, pulled them straight down, fists clenched with a resounding. “YES I DID IT. THAT WAS AWESOME!” He was able to overcome another fear on the trip. Hence why we rode Thunder Mountain another 6 times. After the last ride on Friday night, he had a moment alone by the fence of the ride to say good-bye to his new favorite ride.

Second last thing; food in the park is beyond good. BBQ in Frontier Land, dinner at the Blue Bayou (jambalaya), churro bites with chocolate sauce, chocolate twist, Red’s Frozen apple drink (Red as the fire engine from Car’s not the apple flavored beer), Mickey Cookie, Bengal BBQ, pineapple spears, Dole Whip, Perfectly Pleasantly Punch, and finally beignets. I love the food in the park. I could go back and just gorge the whole time.

All in all this was by far our most successful Disneyland trip.

Tomorrow’s blog: BASEBALL!!!!!

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