Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Highlighters and Beakers

One of my small joys in life is watching cartoons in the mornings with the boys. Sure, they aren’t Thundercats, Transformers, or Voltron (BEST) of my youth but they’ll do. Last weekend we saw a commercial for a DisneyXD show Star vs the Forces of Evil (don’t ask. I haven’t watched it and don’t plan on it). During the commercial nachos comes up as a plot point of some future show. The girl character (Star, I’m assuming. Again, this isn’t Voltron) at this point says, “oooohhhh triangle food.” This of course jumpstarted the conversation about triangle food. The general consensus between us all, was there is not bad triangle food. Think long and hard about it. We did……….Times up. You can’t think of a bad triangle food. Pizza, nachos, corn chips (more specifically purple Doritos), Toblerone bars, carrot wedges, pie, cake, etc. Now of course there can be bad pizza, bad nachos (any gas station with liquid cheese qualifies here, or bad pie but all in all the category of triangle food is fantastic. Really if you can think of a bad triangle food let me know, so here at home we can have another thought provoking discussion on shapes and food.

Two weeks ago I commented that my muse, Connor, had failed to leave anything in his laundry of late. I actually thought about changing the name of the blog. However, as if he was reading my mind, or my blog, he came through last week.

As always let us analyze the photo here. Using my Sherlocking (about to be trademarked) skills, we can deduce that my son is addicted to candy. See the Dum Dum, Mamba, Tootsie Roll and mini KitKat wrappers. The next obvious question is where is the little Oompa Loompa getting the candy from? This is mostly leftover Christmas candy that he has pigeonholed somewhere. Which again begs the question, where? A search by search room has yielded no clues as of this writing but rest assured the cache will be found…..Ok maybe not. The subsequent load of laundry have not given up this amount of wrappers, so he has most likely eaten through this Christmas load. Valentines and Easter are just around the corner however. Stay tuned. That is a Lego shield from some unknown character. As of this writing, it still sits unclaimed and lonely on top of the dryer.

There are still more items there. In fact, the two items that actually made my heart stop for a minute. The object that actually stopped me dead for at least 15 seconds (no exaggeration there) was the highlighter lid. If there was a highlighter lid, WHERE WAS THE REST OF THE BLOODY HIGHLIGHTER?????? Good lord almighty, I cannot imagine the carnage that would be associated with a washed, and more devastating, DRIED highlighter in a load of laundry. The only saving grace was this was mostly blues and reds for school clothes. Maybe the yellow wouldn’t fully transfer to those colors. Who am I kidding? Of course it will ruin school clothes. School uniform clothes that are that hard to keep clean and in one piece as it is. Now an evaporated highlighter is added to the mix. Where is the rest of the damned highlighter? During this search I found the beaker. The what, you ask? THE BEAKER!!!!!!! The broken in half beaker I might add. The beaker that still had liquid in the other half. WHAT WAS IN THE BEAKER? Where did it come from? What was in the beaker? More laundry flying out of the dryer, more wrappers, more glass, Mandy rushing to the scene, Alex being indifferent and finally the culprit arrives. “Connor, I calmly (if you can count the vein in my forehead pulsing and fist clenched calm) start, “why is there glass and a highlighter cap in your pants?” His reply, “There’s my beaker.” Like I should be finding a beaker all the time in his pants. “Connor, what was in the beaker?” His reply, “I don’t know Papa but it’s gone now.” As a parent do you ever have those moments when you are not sure if you are going to throttle the child or laugh uncontrollably? Yeah, this wasn’t one of those. “Connor where is the rest of the highlighter?” His reply, “don’t know Papa.”

Ok at this point I need to emphasize the point, I love my son more than myself, but this damn vein in my forehead wasn’t there two minutes ago. The beaker it turns out came from an after school science class he is in right now. He loves this class. He is convinced it will help him with his inventions someday. He still cannot answer what was in said beaker (there is someone out there who does and I hope she responds to this to let me know what was) but no laundry was harmed so the vein is starting to recede. The highlighter itself was never found but again no laundry was harmed, so the vein is gone at this point, after all it's only hundreds of dollars worth of uniform clothes. The look he was giving at this point was all teeth, grin straight back and eyes squeezed shut. God, I love this little boy.

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