Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Love Spring

I know living in Utah has it's perks. This is truly one of the few places in America that we get all four seasons. Today was rain, that I know we need it, but it was cold and made yesterday all the better. After dinner, we went outside to enjoy precious sunshine for the few hours we had. Alex has really discovered basketball these last few weeks. So much so that he is now drawing up his own courts

and challenging me to a game. I would like to say I take it easy on him but who am I kidding. I'm like Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Along Came Polly. Make it rain!
We also had a doggy party with our little pup, Henry and Ewok (best dog name ever). Ewok is a Australian sheep dog and fast as all get out. I tried to get video of them running but they were too fast to get on my phone (and I was too tired and shaky after getting worked over in bball). Poor Henry was spent the rest of the night, which did spare us the constant click, click, click on the hardwood.

Doggy is out

 I know we need the rain but bring on spring and summer.

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